War not only deals with terrorist and greed, but also Drugs and other things that could negatively affect us. The article "U.S. puts finishing touches on anti-drug effort with Mexico" talks about how USA is going to aid Mexico in there attempt to cut down drug trafficking. The US is taking more of a serious reaction to Mexico's drug problem because it directly affects us do to sharing the boarder. People don't often set out for change or the bettering of someone else unless it directly affects they way they live there lives. It sounds selfish but true. Although at a certain point you may realized that you have lost way more and the situation takes a toll on yourself greater than the origional problem as talked about it "6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war". The war in Iraq is one of the United Sates longest war and "There's nothing new in Iraq." Our new President Obama is trying to withdraw all of our troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. We found Saddam Hussein, a leader in Iraq and punnishe him for his crimes. But instead of stopping there we continued to stay in Iraq to help there government so that the same thing doesnt happen again. For the past 6 years nothing new is really happening except the death of troops and citizens on both sides. At the beguinning things start out with good intentions but lead to causing more problems if the intentions start to become selfish and only for personal gain.
Lebott, Elise. CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 23 Mar. 2009. 25 Mar. 2009 .
"6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war." CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 19 Mar. 2009. 25 Mar. 2009 .
The Document "Is Bollywood coming to Hollywood?" says that Indian cinema has been around since the 1940's and the recent film Slumdog millionaire although not exactly a Bollywood film reflects and Indian cinema with "the vibrant colors and fast pased editing". Bollywood films are more and more popular world wide because "India is still clinging on to its social values, which explains Bollywood's success everywhere but in America...Bollywood films don't have any kissing in them or tend not to."Bollywood films are a huge part of Indian culture. Due to their uniqueness they are set apart from all other types of movies including the avarage musical. Although slumdog millionaire was a fantastic movie it doesnt exactly mean that America will suddenly fin a new addiction to Bollywood.
Khatami, Elham. "Is Bollywood coming to Hollywood?" CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 23 Feb. 2009. 23 Mar. 2009
The document “Obama Gives Us Great Hope Too” is a clear representation of hope within leadership spread to the community. This article also has deep insight as to how this leader affects us as one society. Although this article is meaningful, it states otherwise obvious facts and news that has been thought through already. Why would an article about hope ponder the past and regrets from the past? This issue is controversial to me. The article states: “Our government appears to be floundering, admittedly under duress and completely unprecedented times. Every move they make can be criticized for being the wrong move. The hindsight commentators are having a field day. The bottom line is we’re in a mess, there are no quick fixes, and we won’t know for years whether the decisions of today were the right or wrong decisions”(Jackson). Although the article does have negative sides, the words of Barack Obama still show hope: “Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America”.
"Obama Gives Us Great Hope Too." Lovemoney.com - Have a better relationship with your money. 23 Mar. 2009 .
In the article "Pope Benedict XVI says condoms will not solve Africa's AIDS problem, could make it worse", the issue of AIDS epidemic and the Pope’s strong opinion about how to prevent it can be controversial to the opinion of some morals, and not to mention cultures. Seeing as the article states that the catholic religion frowns upon premarital sex, it puts forth the selfish bias that abstinence is the only conclusion to the AIDS epidemic. This shows how religion can get in the way or blind side the obvious truth. The opinions of the Pope are one sided and are stubborn to some, because it’s not possible to stop people from having sex, especially if its native to their culture. The opinion of the Pope is supporting evidence of the fact that Religion can be a factor that contributes to what happens in everyday life. Religion often interferes with daily lives and the structure of what we think is “morally right or wrong” can be obscured by opinions such as these.
Simpson, Victor L. "Pope Benedict XVI says condoms will not solve Africa's AIDS problem, could make it worse." StarTribune.com: Breaking news, video, blogs and more from Minneapolis, St. Paul and around Minnesota. 17 Mar. 2009. 23 Mar. 2009 .
The article “Facing Difficulty: A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life's Problems” has a spiritually optimistic view on life’s difficulties and how to overcome them. “For most of us when life is relatively problem free we tend to drift along somewhat aimlessly on auto-pilot. We are not forced to stretch our Spiritual muscle and we do not therefore grow spiritually. On reflection most of us realize that our times of greatest growth have been spawned by the necessity of facing challenge”. The feeling and seemingly winded words of this article provide a second wind to our difficult challenges in everyday life. Compared to the article” Facing Your Problems” by Dr. Wm. G. Seavey, this article seems realistic. “Facing Your Problems”, is an article packed full with colorful metaphors like birds on a power line or airplanes in the wind. Although this article is thoughtful, it seems to provide many more questions than it does conclusions. Seavey says, “An airplane is the same way. It always takes off into the wind, not with the wind, which is a tail wind. Why? Because it gives them the lift they need to become airborne and for the airplane to fly”. The “You and I” feel of the article does represent helpfulness despite the exaggeration. Tips given in both articles on how to overcome struggles like bulimia, stress, and self esteem and relationship problems are very helpful and are a different insight than what’s usually seen in our overpowering media-impacted lives.
"Facing Difficulty: A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life's Problems." 23 Mar. 2009 .
"Facing Your Problems." Self Improvement from SelfGrowth.com. 23 Mar. 2009 .
The article “U.N warns about natural disaster risks” assesses the issue that the U.S and other places that are in danger of natural disaster have ignorance towards realizing they’re at risk. The article quotes: “The December 2004 tsunami, which killed as many as 230,000 people in Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and the Maldives, served as a wake-up call for the aid community about the need to prepare for the worst impacts of natural disasters”. This article stresses the importance of preparing for inevitable natural disasters. As this article has few facts and only few biased opinions, the article “Disaster preparation is key to saving lives” from the guardian newspaper is another look on this issue. This article, comparing to the first, has a deeper meaning which does have a connection to personal lives and does not only present cold hearted facts. The following quote from this article represents a plead: “In cities where apartment buildings and schools collapse on their doomed occupants, contractors cut corners and pay off officials. In slums and remote locations there are no inspectors to check buildings, or advise on earthquake-resistant construction methods. As always, it is the very poor who suffer most”. As both articles have a similar theme, the difference is the voice that presents the risks of natural disasters and out need to protect ourselves better from them.
"Letters: Disaster preparation is key to saving lives | Environment | The Guardian." Latest news, sport, business, comment and reviews from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk. 23 Mar. 2009 .
"U.N. warns about natural disaster risks| Environment| Reuters." Reuters.com - World News, Financial News, Breaking US & International News. 23 Mar. 2009 .