War not only deals with terrorist and greed, but also Drugs and other things that could negatively affect us. The article "U.S. puts finishing touches on anti-drug effort with Mexico" talks about how USA is going to aid Mexico in there attempt to cut down drug trafficking. The US is taking more of a serious reaction to Mexico's drug problem because it directly affects us do to sharing the boarder. People don't often set out for change or the bettering of someone else unless it directly affects they way they live there lives. It sounds selfish but true. Although at a certain point you may realized that you have lost way more and the situation takes a toll on yourself greater than the origional problem as talked about it "6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war". The war in Iraq is one of the United Sates longest war and "There's nothing new in Iraq." Our new President Obama is trying to withdraw all of our troops from Iraq by the end of 2011. We found Saddam Hussein, a leader in Iraq and punnishe him for his crimes. But instead of stopping there we continued to stay in Iraq to help there government so that the same thing doesnt happen again. For the past 6 years nothing new is really happening except the death of troops and citizens on both sides. At the beguinning things start out with good intentions but lead to causing more problems if the intentions start to become selfish and only for personal gain.
Lebott, Elise.
CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 23 Mar. 2009. 25 Mar. 2009
"6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war." CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 19 Mar. 2009. 25 Mar. 2009 .
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