Monday, March 23, 2009


The article “Facing Difficulty: A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life's Problems” has a spiritually optimistic view on life’s difficulties and how to overcome them. “For most of us when life is relatively problem free we tend to drift along somewhat aimlessly on auto-pilot. We are not forced to stretch our Spiritual muscle and we do not therefore grow spiritually. On reflection most of us realize that our times of greatest growth have been spawned by the necessity of facing challenge”. The feeling and seemingly winded words of this article provide a second wind to our difficult challenges in everyday life. Compared to the article” Facing Your Problems” by Dr. Wm. G. Seavey, this article seems realistic. “Facing Your Problems”, is an article packed full with colorful metaphors like birds on a power line or airplanes in the wind. Although this article is thoughtful, it seems to provide many more questions than it does conclusions. Seavey says, “An airplane is the same way. It always takes off into the wind, not with the wind, which is a tail wind. Why? Because it gives them the lift they need to become airborne and for the airplane to fly”. The “You and I” feel of the article does represent helpfulness despite the exaggeration. Tips given in both articles on how to overcome struggles like bulimia, stress, and self esteem and relationship problems are very helpful and are a different insight than what’s usually seen in our overpowering media-impacted lives.

"Facing Difficulty: A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life's Problems." 23 Mar. 2009 .

"Facing Your Problems." Self Improvement from 23 Mar. 2009 .

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