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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Q4 Blog 5
Stephenie Meyer
Through pg 438
So far...
Wanda found two "tortured bodies" that the Doc has been trying to extract souls from human bodies to free the humans. Wanda freeked out and basicaly paralized mel and made her dissapear. It took Jared to make Wanda feel so overwelmed that it shocked wanda back into existance.
"I think Ian likes you to much."(361) This was when Ian first started to like Wanda and he acted very courteous and gentlemen like towards Wanda doing everything he could to make her feel for comfortable. Mel Loves Jared very much but cant even stand it when he touches her because Wanda is in control of the body and Melanie gets jealous. So when Ian seems to be getting close Wanda does not realize the feelings and that Ian is showing her as well as Mel does. She feels that it is wrong for Ian to pursue Wanda in Mel's body even though Wanda "is" in control of. Of course later on this causes a lot of drama and confusion.
"... I had never intentional caused anyone physical pain, but i had hurt Ian deeply enough just by hurting myself."(422) This helps develop Wanda's character a little more because at first in the book i saw that Wanda didn't really like inflicting pain or see it. But when she saw the two mangled bodies she flipped and did more than just freak out. Now we got a better understanding of how severely she hates the infliction of pain on another being. Although she is very against causing physical pain she also dislikes hurting someone mentally as well because she feels terrible and can barely live with hurting other in any way.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Q4 Blog 4
Stephenie Meyer
Now on Page 398.
So Far...
Since Jareds return with Kyle, Kyle has acted very hostile towards Wanda. Kyle desides to acttack her in the bathing/water room. Wanda to scared and unwilling to watch a human die jumps in to save kyle wen the tables turn and the floor breaks from under them. Kyle goes to a "hearing" were kyle is being tried for death. Even his own brother Ian was opposed to letting him stay or live. But Wanda still called it an accident.
A diary passage (Wanda)
Ian seems to be kinda of "clingy lately and Mell is sending me wierd thoughts about this saying Ian is getting "to close", but Wanda, in terms of how old I am compared to how old I can get puts me at a very "young" age almost a child age. I dont see affection as well as i probly should have. Ian tried to kiss me and i think he is trying to get me to fall for him despite my relationship with Jared. No matter what i want if Mels not happy neither am I. I guess i should have seem this comming especialy from a human. does he not see that i am an alien living inside a host? Luckily Jamie, Mel's little brother has been there to save me from most of the comotion going on in this hectic cave.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Q4 Blog Post 3
Stephenie Meyer
I have now read through 289. Since the last post Jared and Kyle have just come home from there long raid bringing back tons of food only to see that all the other humans have become friends with "the enemy". Jared is not only hurt by this but disgusted. he immediately comes to the assumption that the souls have now taken over his home, but he test there eyes and realizes that they are fine. All Wanda wants to do is end the inevitable witch she thinks is to end things quick and painlessly.
Journal entry (Wanda)
Its been so long living in this hole, not knowing who to trust and who wants to kill me. All i see every time i look around is angry faces no matter who looks at me. Jeb, Jamie and Ian seem to be my friends but Jeb seems a little careless, or just crazy to trust me so much. Maybe he's just a good judge of character. Jamie naturally trusts me because he is a kid and my host is his older sister. I tell him everything i know despite my better judgment. He is the only person in this hole that would give everything for me yet hes the only one who i do not want to do that. All i want is for him to be safe. Next is Ian. I'm not so sure if i can trust him or not because he is kyles brother and kyle wants me dead more than anything. He seems to be friendly and non hostile towards me but there is just something that doesn't seem right.
Melanie is my host body. for some reason her mind is as much present as mine and through out all this time together we have started to think as one. Our feelings for Jared are separate but exactly the same. We both individual love them. I'm trying to do whats best for Jamie but i just don't know what will scar him the least. Now Jared on the other hand we both love very much but he cant see that Melanie is still present. He see's "us" as just "it" an abomination, a freak of nature. All i want is for Jamie, Jared and I to become a family again.
Maybe im just getting "soft".
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Q4 Blog Post 2
Stephenie Meyer
Brief summary.
I have just made it to page 255 in this book. So far Wanda (Wanderer) is still in the humans hide out that Melanie reviled to her. The humans did not take her presence lightly because she was a soul that is part of the "aliens" race trying to take over the planet. most of the humans have warmed up to her and some now see her as a friend.
"Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be reached"(Pg.141)Wanda is describing to Melanie some of the horrors and good things about the planets and she realizes that the most amazing things in life could not seem so amazing and enjoyable if it weren't for the bad things to give you a comparison and show you how good they really are.
"Jared was keeping me prisoner. It seemed a beautiful word under the circumstances"(Pg.144). This quote shows that some things as bad as they may seem to the average person, are actually soothing to the person in the situation. Being a prisoner may seem bad because it implies being held not able to go any were or be in contact with anything. But this is what Wanda wanted. To stay away from contact with anyone because most of the humans at this point in the story wanted to kill her. Another thing this quote brings up is that Jared is the one keeping her imprisoned. Wanda is very in love with Jared and Jared is very in love with Melanie the host body for Wanda. So Jared is like her guardian/parole officer.
"Ive been getting them used to seeing you around, getting them to accept you without realizing it. It's like boiling a frog"(Pg.240). The other humans living in the hide out start out by hating Wanda and all her kind stands for but Jared looks passed WHAT she is and looks into WHO she is. He realizes she is not a threat so he slowly gets them used to her by bringing her around the place to eat, do chores and help Jamie. Slowly they just get used to the fact that shes there and lose there hostility towards her. just like boiling a frog. If u throw a frog in boiling water hell immediately jump out but if u put him in normal water and slowly heat it up by the time he realizes it, its to late.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Q4 Blog Post 1
Stephenie Meyer
In the novel a woman by the name of wanderer was place inside a host by the name of Melanie to research and find what she could about the humans. In general the "souls are suposed to take imediate control of the host's body. But in this Melanie house a very strong mind and will that wonder finds very hard to control.
Wanderer- A soul that is very stubborn and proud. She is struggling to take over Melanie's mind. As the storie progresses to about pg.137(Were ive read to) wanderer and melanie have become one is the same person. Instead of trying to take each other over they start to share thoughts and feelings about situations and people.
Melanie- much like wanderer she is very head strong and is like Wanderer in almost every way, asde frome the fact that she is a human host and Wanderer is a soul.
Jared- so far melanie has been having flash backs telling her story from the past. Jared is a man that melenie ran into and fell in love with. she remembers him being sweet and always kind to her. later on they meet again but in this case wanderer is using her as a host and over the years of being seperated jared has become a bit bitter.
Jamie- all i have learned so far is that Jamie is Melanies brother. He looks up to melanie alot and untill jared she was the only one who took care of him.
4th quarter outside reading
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
War/Global Issue
Lebott, Elise. CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 23 Mar. 2009. 25 Mar. 2009
"6 years later, progress and doubts are legacy of Iraq war." CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 19 Mar. 2009. 25 Mar. 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Khatami, Elham. "Is Bollywood coming to Hollywood?" CNN.com - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. 23 Feb. 2009. 23 Mar. 2009
"Obama Gives Us Great Hope Too." Lovemoney.com - Have a better relationship with your money. 23 Mar. 2009
Simpson, Victor L. "Pope Benedict XVI says condoms will not solve Africa's AIDS problem, could make it worse." StarTribune.com: Breaking news, video, blogs and more from Minneapolis, St. Paul and around Minnesota. 17 Mar. 2009. 23 Mar. 2009
Gender Roles
The Article “The Left Hand of Darkness: Gender Roles in Society” is not only a consideration of a novel but also provides opinions about female and male roles and stereotypes in society today. The article addresses the cliché statements that women are the “mother” men are “father”, and whom is “more capable” of supporting. This article also provides ironic facts, because it says that men are stereotypically providers for the family, but the women are the main structure and real providers of support for the family. While this article focuses on the main roles that male and females play, another article called “The Social Roles of Men and Woman” provide disturbing scientific facts and strikingly realistic definitions of what we think roles in our society are. The author quotes, “Obviously, this psychological mechanism can operate only as long as the behavior of men and women does not transgress the generally accepted limits. Every society tries therefore to prevent such transgressions by calling the socially defined gender roles "natural", eternal, and unchangeable. Any person who refuses to accept them is persecuted as a deviant and punished as an offender not only against society, but against "nature" itself”. Although this article does have facts, its confidence seems to create a voice of science and not biased opinion, unlike the opposing article. Although both articles represent the difference in gender roles in our society, it is clear that our realization of these issues has many different sides. Article one, opinionated, or article two, frightening and scientific, both provide thoughtful statements.
"The Social Roles of Men and Women." Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Institutsserver. 23 Mar. 2009
"The Left Hand of Darkness: Gender Roles in Society." Socyberty. 23 Mar. 2009
The article “Facing Difficulty: A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life's Problems” has a spiritually optimistic view on life’s difficulties and how to overcome them. “For most of us when life is relatively problem free we tend to drift along somewhat aimlessly on auto-pilot. We are not forced to stretch our Spiritual muscle and we do not therefore grow spiritually. On reflection most of us realize that our times of greatest growth have been spawned by the necessity of facing challenge”. The feeling and seemingly winded words of this article provide a second wind to our difficult challenges in everyday life. Compared to the article” Facing Your Problems” by Dr. Wm. G. Seavey, this article seems realistic. “Facing Your Problems”, is an article packed full with colorful metaphors like birds on a power line or airplanes in the wind. Although this article is thoughtful, it seems to provide many more questions than it does conclusions. Seavey says, “An airplane is the same way. It always takes off into the wind, not with the wind, which is a tail wind. Why? Because it gives them the lift they need to become airborne and for the airplane to fly”. The “You and I” feel of the article does represent helpfulness despite the exaggeration. Tips given in both articles on how to overcome struggles like bulimia, stress, and self esteem and relationship problems are very helpful and are a different insight than what’s usually seen in our overpowering media-impacted lives.
"Facing Difficulty: A Coping Strategy for Dealing with Life's Problems." 23 Mar. 2009
"Facing Your Problems." Self Improvement from SelfGrowth.com. 23 Mar. 2009
Natural disasters blog
The article “U.N warns about natural disaster risks” assesses the issue that the U.S and other places that are in danger of natural disaster have ignorance towards realizing they’re at risk. The article quotes: “The December 2004 tsunami, which killed as many as 230,000 people in
"Letters: Disaster preparation is key to saving lives | Environment | The Guardian." Latest news, sport, business, comment and reviews from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk. 23 Mar. 2009
"U.N. warns about natural disaster risks| Environment| Reuters." Reuters.com - World News, Financial News, Breaking US & International News. 23 Mar. 2009